The ensuing battle launched a three-year galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, during which Swan served the Republic as a Jedi General. In 22 BBY, Swan was dispatched to the Sepan system to negotiate the cessation of a decades-long civil war, and later in the year, she joined a massive Jedi strike team that was sent to the planet Geonosis to rescue two Jedi and a Republic Senator, who were due to be executed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Swan became entwined in a plot by the shipbuilder Groodo the Hutt to destroy the Fondor Shipyards, and she aided in destroying Groodo's Droid Control Army and thwarting his plan to take over Fondor Spaceport. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Swan was routinely sent on peace missions, including one to the Fondor system to investigate the alleged reappearance of an ancient starship and to mediate a dispute over salvage rights to the vessel. Dedicated to her beliefs, she was respected within the Order for her record of never having killed an opponent prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. As a Padawan of Jedi Master Micah Giiett, Swan excelled at martial arts, and she later complemented her fighting techniques with a strong lightsaber defense under the tutelage of Jedi Master Plo Koon.
Bultar Swan was a female Human who trained with and served the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic.