Slavers can capture individual settler units and can attack cities. ENSLAVEĬommands a slaver unit to go on a slave raid. Successful attacks bring in a small amount of cash for your empire. CONVERT CITYĬommands a cleric or televangelist to attempt to convert a foreign city to your religion. Success brings a sharp reduction in happiness in the target city for several turns. CONDUCT HITĬommands an eco-terrorist to assassinate a public figure in a city. Bombard attacks against cities can damage units within the cities and reduce population as well. The attack is less accurate than standard attacks, but there is no danger of counterattack.
BOMBARDĬommands a unit with bombard capability to attack units or cities in an adjacent tile.
BOARD TRANSPORT Commands units to board a transport unit. If the attack is successful, the slaves will revolt, declaring themselves a new empire. AID UPRISINGĬommands an abolitionist to aid an uprising in a foreign city that contains slaves. Successful attacks extract gold from cities. Commands a corporate branch to advertise in a foreign city.